A chinchilla's main diet is made up of Chinchilla pellets. We recommend Mazuri 5M01 Chinchilla Food. Calf Manna is a great source of Calcium for your chinchilla. We suggest 4 parts Mazuri to 1 part Calf Manna. You can find both products at www.LoneStarChinchilla.com. Another good choice for chinchilla pellets is Manna Pro Classic Show Rabbit Pellets. This has almost the same make up as the Mazuri. Most feed stores can order this for you. Your local Wal-Mart store may be able to order it as well. Stay away from the food that contains fruit. Do not give your chinchilla gerbil or other rodent food as a main diet. Find one kind of pellet and stick to it. Chinchillas have very delicate digestive systems so changing their diet too drastically can cause sickness and even death. We keep our chinchilla feed dishes full. There is no need to measure their feed since they will only eat when they get hungry.